MCM: To pass, or not to pass

I’ve been counting down the days until I get the score from my second attempt at the SQL Server MCM written exam.  When I last took it, I knew there were some areas that I didn’t know the answers.  But for the vast majority of the exam I felt good.  In fact, I felt that if I passed the exam it would be valid and I had mustered up to the level of exam – not gotten lucky.

But any way, you really want to know if I passed the exam or not.  I did.  I passed.  I win.  Today is a good day.

Next step is the lab exam – but I’ll write about that at a later date.

16 thoughts on “MCM: To pass, or not to pass

  1. It's the 3rd best title you can get. The first is Father, which you already have and the 2nd is husband, which is just a short time away. Congrats man.


  2. Jason – I am so thrilled for you. You have worked so hard for this and you earned it, not just squeaked by. You are truly a role model for others who strive to set themselves apart professionally. MCM…awesomesauce. As my friend Jason likes to say…


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